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Tricals - The highway towards a cure
King’s MND Care and Research Centre

King’s College, London

United Kingdom - London

King’s MND Care and Research Centre was the first specialist centre for MND / ALS to have been established in the UK, and is a partnership between King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, which hosts the King’s Motor Nerve Clinic, and King’s College London, home to our world-class research group.

The King’s MND Care and Research Centre is part-funded by the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Our aim is to find a cure for ALS and improve quality of life for patients and their families.

We are an award-winning, highly specialized multidisciplinary clinical team  which oversees care for patients and families in close communication with local and community health professionals.

The clinic is very research active, and participates in studies of ALS worldwide with an ethos of collaboration and data sharing. We helped find the only current disease-modifying treatment for ALS, Riluzole, and our staff have been recognized with national and international awards and prizes, including two current and one previous consultant each awarded the prestigious Sheila Essey Award from the American Academy of Neurology and the ALS Association

Specialists in this centre

Ammar Al-Chalabi

Professor of Neurology and Complex Disease Genetics


Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS,London,United Kingdom


Contact this centre

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