University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela
Spain - Santiago de Compostela
Our multidisciplinary Unit undertakes the overall care of patients with ALS and other motor neuron diseases at the University Clinical Hospital, being the reference Unit for expert opinion in the Galician region (2.710.000 inhabitants). Our Unit attends more than 80 patients/year and about 30 patients/year are referred for a second opinion.
The ALS Unit of the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) provides multidisciplinary and specialized care for people with ALS and other motor neuron disease since January 2015. Serving population is about 500.000 inhabitants and 2.710.000 for second opinion of motor neuron disease. DNA Bank in our Hospital is available since march 2019, currently with 100 samples collected.
Our research include neuroepidemiology, genomics, epigenomics, and in the last year, studies with transgenic mice for therapeutics options in ALS. Regarding participation in clinical trials, we have included patients in the ADORE study and in a Phase 2a Study of TPN-101 in Patients with C9orf72 ALS/FTD (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and/or Frontotemporal Dementia). Our ALS research group is integrated in the Genetics Spanish Consortium (ALSGESCO), with several publications regarding genetics studies in SOD1 and C9orf72 patients in Spain. Our group is also adhered to European Network to cure ALS (ENCALS) and to TRICALS (Treatment Initiative to Cure ALS).
Rúa Choupana, 15706,Santiago de Compostela,Spain
Specialists in this centre

Tania García Sobrino

Beatrice Canneti Heredia

Ana Cantón Blanco

Ana Antelo Pose
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