University of Turin
Italy - TorinoThe Torino ALS Centre (CRESLA) performs basic and clinical research, while at the same time providing care for ALS patients.
The Turin ALS centre represents the Regional ALS Reference Centre for Piemonte Region and currently has more than 350 ALS patients followed up. The centre is involved in clinical research (phase I,II and III clinical trials, genetics, deep phenotyping) and basic research in collaboration with several laboratories in Italy and Europe. The Turin ALS Centre (CRESLA Torino) is part of the “Rita Levi Montalcini” Department of Neuroscience of the University of Turin (UNITO) and of the Medical Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health of the Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino (City of Health and Science of Turin), Neurology 1 Unit. We are constantly involved in international randomized clinical trials on innovative drugs in ALS. We have a multidisciplinary group and a daily ALS clinic providing genetic counseling, psychological, neuropsychological andneurophysiological services.
Specialists in this centre
Andrea Calvo
Associate Professor of Neurology
Cristina Moglia
Associate Professor of Neurology
Antonio Canosa
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Umberto Manera
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Via Cherasco 15, 10126,Torino,Italy
Contact this centre
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