Virtual ENCALS meeting 2021
March 12, 2021
This year, ENCALS (European Network to Cure ALS) will be organising their annual meeting online. The meeting will take place on 12-14 May. Registration and abstract submission are now open.
More details of the programme will be announced once abstract submission has closed. Keep an eye on the ENCALS website to stay updated.
Registration and abstract submission
It is now possible to register for the Virtual ENCALS Meeting 2021 by accessing the following link: For more information about registration fees, please visit the ENCALS website.
Abstracts can be submitted until 11:59 PM CET on Friday March 26th via: Please note that you need to register for the event before you can submit an abstract. All abstracts will be reviewed by the ENCALS Programme Committee 2021. Applicants will receive a notification of acceptance as platform or poster presentation as soon as possible.
Are you interested in sponsoring the Virtual ENCALS Meeting 2021? Please ask for the Sponsorship Prospectus 2021 via