specialistsSarah Darcy
specialistsRobert McFarlane
The EPISOD1 ph 1/2 study evaluates the gene therapy AMMT-162 in participants with SOD1-ALS.
centersUniversity Hospital of Padova
Center for the Diagnosis, Care, and Research in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases.
centersUniversity Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière
The Paris ALS expert center, based at the La Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital - AP-HP, provides expert, multi-disciplinary support for ALS patients, from the moment they are diagnosed and throughout their follow-up.
centersRoyal Stoke University Hospital
The North Midlands Motor Neuron Disease Care and Research Network offers multi-disciplinary care and support to people living with MND and their carers.
centersAOU Modena
The MND Centre at Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Modena supports ALS patients from Modena and the surrounding areas, offering multidisciplinary care during diagnosis and follow-up visits. The center also provides access to research activities and clinical interventional trials.
specialistsJessica Mandrioli
Full Professor in Neurology, Director Neurology Unit
specialistsIlaria Martinelli
Neurology Consultant