Martin Turner
Professor of Clinical Neurology & Neuroscience, Consultant Neurologist and Oxford MND Centre Director
Martin Turner (MA (Cantab.) MBBS PhD FRCP (Lond.)) is Professor of Clinical Neurology & Neuroscience within Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, and Honorary Consultant Neurologist to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. His medical degrees were from University of Cambridge & University of London. His research focus over 20 years has been the development of human biomarkers (including advanced neuroimaging and biofluid analysis), to accelerate therapy discovery in ALS. He conceived a biomarker-led drug screening platform, an EXPErimental medicine Route To Success in ALS (EXPERTS-ALS), funded by the UK’s National Institute of Health & Care Research (NIHR), and now in construction through partnership with the University of Sheffield. He has been awarded Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist and Senior Clinical Fellowships, and the Royal College of Physicians’ Goulstonian Lectureship. He was part of an international team awarded the Sean M. Healey Prize for Innovation in ALS in 2023 based on neurofilament development. He has co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed articles and several books.
University of Oxford
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