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Tricals - The highway towards a cure

Philippe Corcia

Professor & Chair of the ALS Centre

Philippe CORCIA

Philippe Corcia is a doctor of Medicine from the University of Tours in 1995, head of the ALS Reference Centre since 2005 and Professor of Neurology since 2010. He has over 30 years of clinical and research experience in ALS.

Corcia also participated in dozens of clinical studies as principal investigator, and national coordinator for some of them, such as the MINE and PRECISIONS projects. His research activity focuses mainly on genetics and omics, directed respectively by PR VOURC’H and PR BLASCO. He has co-authored over 300 publications on ALS. Philippe Corcia is also a member of the board of ENCALS and the TRICALS consortium.

In France, he presides over the ALS motor neuron study group and the coordination center of the French FILSLAN network. We were privileged to host the ENCALS meeting in 2019 and look forward to hosting this international meeting in 2029.


CHRU de Tours - Bretonneau

Bâtiment B3, 3ème étage 2 Boulevard Tonnellé, 37000 TOURSToursFrance
