Stéphane Beltran
Hospital Practitioner
Stéphane Beltran obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Tours in 2014 and is currently a neurologist at the CHRU de Tours in the neurology department. In addition to his clinical activities, he has neurophysiological activities such as performing and interpreting electroneurograms in patients with ALS and other pathologies of the nerves. He also gives medical courses on motor neuron disease in paramedical schools. Since 2014, he has participated as a co-investigator in dozens of institutional and industrial studies such as DAZALS, PHOENIX, and TRIALS. Moreover, he has contributed to dozens of scientific publications in indexed journals.
CHRU de Tours - Bretonneau
Bâtiment B3, 3ème étage 2 Boulevard Tonnellé, 37000 TOURSToursFrance