Vincenzo Silani, prof.
Professor of Neurology and Director of the Department of Neuroscience and ALS Centre

Vincenzo Silani (MD, FEAN, FAAN) is Professor of Neurology and Chairman of the Department of Neuroscience and Laboratory of Neuroscience of the University of Milan Medical School at the IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Director of “Dino Ferrari” Centre for Neuromuscular, Neurodegenerative, and Cerebrovascular Diseases of the University of Milan Medical School. He was Director of the Residency Program in Neurology at the same University. He completed the Residencies in both Neurology (1981) and Neurosurgery (1989). Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Neurology-Baylor College of Medicine in Houston (1979-81). Visiting Professor in Neurology at the Baylor College of Medicine (1999), he was CoChairman (2002-2005) and Chairman (2005-2007) of the European ALS Consortium (EALSC). Director European Neurological Society (ENS) – Subcommittee for Motor Neuron Disease (2008-2019), he was Co-Director of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Subspeciality Panel ALS and Frontotemporal Dementia (2013-2019). Author of more than 500 scientific publications, his expertise mainly concerns neurodegenerative diseases, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia in particular. He is FEAN and FAAN.

University of Milan Medical School
Piazzale Brescia 20, 20149MilanItaly