TRICALS centres
The TRICALS consortium consists of over 60 top ALS research centres across Europe. They all work together on one common goal: finding a cure for ALS.
Find a TRICALS centre near you
A.O. Pia Fondazione “Card. G.Panico” UNIBA
Italy, Tricase
Giancarlo Logroscino
Neurologist & Epidemiologist
Aalborg University Hospital
Denmark, Aalborg
Jakob Udby Blicher
Clinical Professor & Chief Physician
AOU Modena
Italy, Modena
Jessica Mandrioli
Professor in Neurology
Bellvitge University Hospital
Spain, Barcelona
Monica Povedano Panades
Coordinator of Unit
Bispebjerg Hospital
Denmark, Copenhagen
Kirsten Svenstrup
Consultant neurologist
Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
Switserland, St.Gallen
Markus Weber
Specialist in neurology
Centrum Medyczne Linden
Poland, Krakow
Jakub Antczak
Neurologist and Neurophysiologist
CHRU de Tours - Bretonneau
France, Tours
Philippe Corcia
Professor & Chair of the ALS Centre
CHU Dupuytren
France, Limoges
Philippe Couratier
CHU Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier
France, Montpellier
Florence Esselin
CHU Lille
France, Lille
Veronique Danel Brunaud
CHU Nice
France, Nice
Marie-Helene Soriani