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Tricals - The highway towards a cure
Motor Neuron Disorder Centre

AOU Modena

Italy - Modena

The MND Centre at Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Modena supports ALS patients from Modena and the surrounding areas, offering multidisciplinary care during diagnosis and follow-up visits. The center also provides access to research activities and clinical interventional trials.

Our multidisciplinary team provides care for over 300 patients from the province and surrounding regions, with 70 newly diagnosed ALS patients each year. The Modena MND Centre also coordinates the Emilia Romagna population-based ALS registry, contributing to crucial epidemiological research. We collaborate with national and international institutes to develop multicenter clinical research projects. Beyond participating in numerous clinical trials, we have led three Italian randomized controlled trials investigating potential ALS therapies.

We manage a Neurobiobank that stores high-quality, meticulously characterized patient samples, supported by a fully equipped laboratory primarily focused on biomarker research. We are also part of the ITALSGEN Consortium for genetic research and actively collaborate with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia on translational ALS projects and epidemiological studies.

Our research team is composed of five MND consultants, a study coordinator, a data manager, two research nurses, a biologist, and two research fellows, with extensive data analysis support from the local Statistics Unit. Additional facilities include a fully equipped clinical neurophysiology laboratory, a neuropsychology unit, and a 3T GE system MRI scanner.


Via Pietro Giardini, 1355 – 41126,Modena,Italy


Specialists in this centre

Jessica Mandrioli

Professor in Neurology

Ilaria Martinelli

Neurology Consultant

Elisabetta Zucchi

Neurology Consultant

Giulia Gianferrari

Neurology Consultant

Cecilia Simonini

Study coordinator

Nicola Fini

Neurology Consultant

Francesca Prompicai


Silvia Parisi


Contact this centre

If you would like to contact us or register for a trial, leave your details here.